austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems document is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 (0) 3136 500 0 e-Mail: Please visit our website at AS5000 Programmer OPERATION MANUAL Programming Tool 1 General Overview al id This operational manual describes the function of the AS5000 Programmer in combination with the programming boards. This tool can program the austriamicrosystems AS5000 series magnetic rotary encoders. The graphical user interface (GUI) runs on PC running Windows XP or later and controls the programmer via the USB interface. All major access modes to the OTP memories can be established. Be aware that austriamicrosystems provides the AS5000 Programmer as a reference for programming and reading of mentioned devices (refer to Appendix A) under laboratory conditions (no warranty for mass production). lv Note: Since firmware version v2.10 the AS5000-Programmer contains a boot loader, which provides an update function for new software release. Please refer to the corresponding application note AN5000-60 (available on our webpage). 2.1 am lc s on A te G nt st il 2 Hardware Components Description of the Hardware Components LCD display (programmer v1.3 or older only) USB cable AS5000 programmer Programming board (AS5xxx-PB) ca Figure 1: Three components of the Programmer solution ni Figure 1 shows the three components which are needed to program the austriamicrosystems magnetic rotary encoder. Take care that the connector between programming box and programming box is plugged in the right way. Te ch Warning: In case of wrong connection, the components in the AS5000 programmer or the encoder can be destroyed! Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 1 of 24 Comment Programming voltage Programming voltage Encoder signal Device autodetection voltage Encoder signal Vzap feedback Encoder signal Encoder signal Encoder signal Encoder signal Encoder power supply Encoder power supply Ground Ground Encoder signal Encoder & LCD display signal Encoder signal LCD signal - Do not use Encoder & LCD display signal Encoder & LCD display signal am lc s on A te G nt st il Signal Vzap Vzap D10 ADC2 D9 ADC1 D8 D11 D7 D6 VDD VDD GND GND D5 D0 D4 D1 D3 D2 Te ch ni ca Pin # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 lv Figure 2: AS5000 Programmer MRE connector (right side view) al id AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 2 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL 2.2 Description of the programming board Jumper J6: Supply voltage selection Open: 5V - Close: 3.3V (default) Connector to the AS5000 programmer al id Jumper J9: Gain = 1 (AS5043 only) Location of pin 1 of the encoder am lc s on A te G nt st il lv ZIF socket Figure 3: Example for an AS5043-PB Programming board Device Selection jumper The programming board (AS5xxx-PB) is specific for a group of devices. By jumper setting on this board the build in firmware in the programming box automatically detects the selected device. It is not recommended to change the jumper setting to a different encoder type than installed in the socket. ca To place or remove a device form the socket, push the black frame of the socket down. This socket has more connectors as the AS50xx/ AS51xx part and therefore it is important to align the device to the left side of the socket. The pin 1 of the device must be on the bottom left side. Figure 2 shows the detailed placed device in the socket. The jumper J9 is specific for the AS5043/AS5143. This Jumper is used to close the feedback loop used for the analog output operation mode. With this jumper the gain can set to 1. Te ch ni The jumper J6 is by default closed because the AS5000 Programmer provides 3.3V operation. In case of 5 V operation the jumper must be removed and the configuration can be changed over the GUI. Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 3 of 24 3 Installation 3.1 Hardware setup First connect the AS5xxx-PB to the 20-pin connector of the AS5000 Programmer, as shown on Figure 1. The AS5000 Programmer is directly powered by the PC via USB. An external power supply is not needed. 3.2 Installing the GUI on the PC am lc s on A te G nt st il check on your PC if Service Pack 2 is installed install the mentioned .net package to your computer execute AS5000GUI_setup.exe Finally start the GUI using the shortcut in the start menu or desktop. Te ch ni ca 1. 2. 3. 4. lv Following Procedure is recommended before starting the GUI: al id The preliminary software is developed for a Microsoft Windows XP operating system with Service Pack 2. In addition the dotnet (.NET) framework version 2.0 or more must be installed on the PC. This package can be downloaded free of charge from the Microsoft webpage: Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 4 of 24 am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id 4 Graphical User Interface (GUI) Figure 4: Main window of the GUI, no PB board inserted Figure 4 shows the main window of the GUI. In the top left corner, informations about the connected hardware are displayed: firmware (FW) type of the connected hardware: ubox (AS5000 Programmer) or dbrd (Demoboard) firmware (FW) version By default the GUI is in the auto detection mode. Any austriamicrosystems device connected on the USB port (one device at the same time) will be automatically detected and displayed in the right top corner. ca Note: The autodetect mode can be disabled and forced to any other device type by selecting the device manually. Te ch ni Once a PB board inserted, tabs will be displayed allowing go into two main sections: SSI (or TWI) and OTP. Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 5 of 24 4.1 Programming the AS5040/AS5045/AS5140/AS5145 Programming AS5040/AS5140 encoders requires the AS5040-PB ZIF socket board. This adapter is compatible with AS5040, AS5140, AS5045 and AS5145. al id Jumper J6 must be close for normal operation and programming operation. Pin 1 am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 5: AS5040-PB Programming board lv AS5040-PB ZIF socket board Device selection for autodetect: Jumper position 2: AS5040 Jumper position 3: AS5045 Jumper position 4: AS5140 Jumper position 5: AS5145 By selecting the SSI tab, information of the angular position and the status bits appear: Selected die (dual die AS52xx devices only) Status bits and field alarm Counter Clockwise mode ni ca Set the actual angle as Zero Position ch Position of the magnet Die selection: This option is for dual die AS52xx devices only. For AS50xx and AS51xx devices Die 0 (default) must be selected. Value field is the raw angle extracted from the SSI stream. The angle range is 0 (0) to 1023 (359.6) Status field displays the status bits extracted from the SSI stream. Green light means that the airgap between the magnet and encoder is correct. Orange light means the magnet is too close of too far. CCW checkbox is the angle direction. To invert the rotating direction, check CCW. Zero Position field: Set button writes the actual angle value into the Zero Position register of the encoder. This programming is not permanent. The actual value will be 0 after zero position programming. To reset the zero position register, or to set a new zero position, click on Reset first. Read interval is the SSI stream readout and refresh rate the GUI. Te - Figure 6: SSI tab with AS5040 encoder inserted in AS5040-PB - - - Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 6 of 24 al id lv am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 7: AS5040 SSI tab after Zero Position programming This example is the effect when the function Zero Position SET has been performed. Before programming, the encoder shows the position 651 (Figure 6). One click on Zero Position Set makes the software writing the value 651 into the OTP Zero Position register (not permanent programming). Selecting Zero Position Reset will write the value 0 to the OTP Zero Position register. Note: The Zero Position function is the same for all the AS50xx, AS51xx, AS52xx rotary encoders offering this feature. Te ch ni ca Selecting the OTP tab will read the OTP configuration from the IC. Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 7 of 24 al id lv am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 8: OTP tab of an unprogrammed AS5040 AS5040/AS5045: Read reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect of the new configuration. Zap! writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. ca AS5140/AS5145: Load reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. ni Read reads the OTP configuration from the volatile register. ch Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect. Te Zap! writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 8 of 24 4.2 Programming the AS5043 Programming AS5043 encoders requires the AS5043-PB ZIF socket board. al id Jumper J6 must be close for normal operation and programming operation. Pin 1 am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 9: AS5043-PB Programming board lv AS5043-PB ZIF socket board Device selection for autodetect: Jumper position 1: AS5043 By selecting the SSI tab, information of the angular position and the status bits appear: Selected die (dual die AS52xx devices only) Status bits and field alarm ca Counter Clockwise mode Set the actual angle as Zero Position ni Position of the magnet ch Figure 10: SSI tab with AS5043 inserted in AS5043-PB - Te - Die selection: This option is for dual die AS52xx devices only. For AS50xx and AS51xx devices Die 0 (default) must be selected. Value field is the raw angle extracted from the SSI stream. The angle range is 0 (0) to 1023 (359.6) Status field displays the status bits extracted from the SSI stream. Green light means that the airgap between the magnet and encoder is correct. Orange light means the magnet is too close of too far. CCW checkbox is the angle direction. To invert the rotating direction, check CCW. Zero Position field: Set button writes the actual angle value into the Zero Position register of the encoder. This programming is not permanent. The actual value will be 0 after zero position programming. To reset the zero position register, or to set a new zero position, click on Reset first. Read interval is the SSI stream readout and refresh rate the GUI. - - Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 9 of 24 al id lv am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 11: OTP tab of AS5043, with FBintEN option checked by user * AS5043: Read reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. ca Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect of the new configuration. Te ch ni Zap! Writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 10 of 24 4.3 Programming the AS5245 Programming AS5245 encoders requires the AS5245-PB socket board. al id Jumper J6 (J6+J8 for AS5245) must be close for normal operation and programming operation. lv AS5245-PB ZIF socket board Device selection for autodetect: Jumper position 2: AS5245 am lc s on A te G nt st il Pin 1 Figure 12: AS5245-PB Programming board By selecting the SSI tab, information of the angular position and the status bits appear: Selected die (dual die AS52xx devices only) Status bits and field alarm ni ca Counter Clockwise mode Set the actual angle as Zero Position Te ch Position of the magnet - - Figure 13: SSI tab with AS5045 inserted in AS5040-PB Die selection: This option is for dual die AS52xx devices only. For AS50xx and AS51xx devices Die 0 (default) must be selected. Value field is the raw angle extracted from the SSI stream. The angle range is 0 (0) to 1023 (359.6) Status field displays the status bits extracted from the SSI stream. Green light means that the airgap between the magnet and encoder is correct. Orange light means the magnet is too close of too far. CCW checkbox is the angle direction. To invert the rotating direction, check CCW. Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 11 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL - am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id - Zero Position field: Set button writes the actual angle value into the Zero Position register of the encoder. This programming is not permanent. The actual value will be 0 after zero position programming. To reset the zero position register, or to set a new zero position, click on Reset first. Read interval is the SSI stream readout and refresh rate the GUI. Selected die (dual die AS52xx devices only) Figure 14: OTP tab of AS5045 * AS5245: Load reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. ca Read reads the OTP configuration from the volatile register. ni Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect. Te ch Zap! writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 12 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL 4.4 Programming the AS5134 al id Programming AS5134 encoders requires the AS5134-PB socket board. am lc s on A te G nt st il lv AS5134-PB ZIF socket board Device selection: Jumper position 1: AS5134 Figure 15: AS5134-PB Programming Board AGC value ch ni ca Multi Turn Counter Additional window for the BLDC output signals Value field is the raw angle extracted from the interface. The angle range is 0 to 359 Status field (AGC) displays the status bits depending on the set AGC values. Green light means that the airgap between the magnet and encoder is correct. Red light means the magnet is too far away. Zero Position field: Set button writes the actual angle value into the Zero Position register of the encoder. This programming is not permanent. The actual value will be 0 after zero position programming. To reset the zero position register, or to set a new zero position, click on Reset first. Read interval is the readout and refresh rate the GUI. Digital interface opens an additional window (see Figure 17), which provides all communications commands like WRTIE_CONFIG or EN_PROG (for entering the exentended mode). Te - Figure 16: GUI for the AS5134 - - Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 13 of 24 Figure 18: OTP tab of AS5134 ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv Figure 17: Communication command window al id AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Te * AS5134: Read reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect of the new configuration. Zap! writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. Analog Readback is not implemented yet. It will be available soon. Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 14 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Programming the AS5163/AS5263 lv al id 4.5 am lc s on A te G nt st il Figure 19: AS5x63-CB Connection Board (left) and AS5163-PB Programming Board (right) Programming AS5163/AS5263 encoders requires the AS5163-PB/AS5263-PB socket board and the AS5x63-CB connection board. The connection board provides the load, needed for programming and operating the AS5163/AS5263. Further details concerning all programming options are provided in application note AN5163-10 (available on our webpage). Programming the AS5115/AS5215 ch ni ca 4.6 Te Figure 20: AS115-PB Programming Board (left) and AS5215-PB Programming Board (right) Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 15 of 24 am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Figure 21: TWI tab of AS5115 The AS5115-PB and AS5215-PB does not support an angle readback of the analogue outputs. Figure 22: OTP tab of AS5115 ch ni ca Selected die (dual die AS52xx devices only) Te * AS5115/AS5215: Read reads the OTP configuration from the permanent fuse register. Write writes the bits checked by the user into the volatile OTP register. Selecting the SSI after the configuration is possible to check the effect of the new configuration. Zap! writes permanently the checked OTP bits to the encoder's fuses. Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 16 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL 5 Programming boards (PB) Schematics AS5040-PB-1.1 5.2 AS5043-PB-1.1 Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id 5.1 Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 17 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL AS5115-PB1.1 5.4 AS5134-PB-1.1 ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id 5.3 AS5163-PB-1.0 Te 5.5 Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 18 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL AS5215-PB-1.1 5.7 AS5245-PB-1.1 ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id 5.6 AS5263-PB-1.0 Te 5.8 Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 19 of 24 AS5040 PB AS5043 PB AS5115 PB AS5130 PB AS5134 PB AS5163 PB AS5215 PB AS5245 PB AS5263 PB Te Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 ch ni ca AS5030 AS5040 AS5043 AS5045 AS5046 AS5115 AS5130 AS5134 AS5140 AS5145 AS5163 AS5215 AS5245 AS5263 AS5030 PB Supported by firmware Future Release 0.12 0.12 0.12 Future Release 2.24 Future Release 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.13 2.24 0.10 0.13 lv Part number am lc s on A te G nt st il Programming Board al id Appendix A Page 20 of 24 Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id Index 1 General Overview...................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Hardware Components.............................................................................................................................................. 1 2.1 Description of the Hardware Components........................................................................................................ 1 2.2 Description of the programming board.............................................................................................................. 3 3 Installation ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.1 Hardware setup................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2 Installing the GUI on the PC ............................................................................................................................. 4 4 Graphical User Interface (GUI).................................................................................................................................. 5 4.1 Programming the AS5040/AS5045/AS5140/AS5145 ....................................................................................... 6 4.2 Programming the AS5043................................................................................................................................. 9 4.3 Programming the AS5245............................................................................................................................... 11 4.4 Programming the AS5134............................................................................................................................... 13 4.5 Programming the AS5163/AS5263................................................................................................................. 15 4.6 Programming the AS5115/AS5215................................................................................................................. 15 5 Programming boards (PB) Schematics ................................................................................................................... 17 5.1 AS5040-PB-1.1............................................................................................................................................... 17 5.2 AS5043-PB-1.1............................................................................................................................................... 17 5.3 AS5115-PB1.1 ................................................................................................................................................ 18 5.4 AS5134-PB-1.1............................................................................................................................................... 18 5.5 AS5163-PB-1.0............................................................................................................................................... 18 5.6 AS5215-PB-1.1............................................................................................................................................... 19 5.7 AS5245-PB-1.1............................................................................................................................................... 19 5.8 AS5263-PB-1.0............................................................................................................................................... 19 Appendix A ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20 Revision History ............................................................................................................................................................... 22 Contact ............................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Sales Offices................................................................................................................................................................ 23 Copyright .......................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Revision 1.10, 04-Mar-2010 Page 21 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Revision History Description March.29, 2008 New copy R1.1 May 22, 2008 All paragraphs, new pictures included R1.2 June 16, 2008 AS5134 device added R1.3 September 4, 2008 New devices added, minor corrections R1.4 September 26, 2008 Minor corrections R1.5 December 15, 2008 Minor corrections R1.6 January 26, 2009 Layout modification, PB schematics R1.7 March 3, 2009 Supported devices table added R1.8 August 10, 2009 AS5x40, AS5x45 chapter added, screenshot updated. R1.9 February 04, 2010 AS5134 updated, AS5143 removed, AS5245 added R1.10 March 04, 2010 AS5115, AS5215, AS5163 and AS5263 added Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il R1.0 al id Date lv Revision Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 22 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Contact Headquarters 8601 Six Forks Road austriamicrosystems Germany GmbH Suite 400 Tegernseer Landstrasse 85 Raleigh, NC 27615, USA D-81539 Munchen, Germany Phone: +1 919 676 5292 Phone: +49 89 69 36 43 0 Fax: +1 509 696 2713 Fax: +49 89 69 36 43 66 austriamicrosystems USA, Inc. 4030 Moorpark Ave Via A. Volta, 18 Suite 116 I-20094 Corsico (MI), Italy am lc s on A te G nt st il austriamicrosystems Italy S.r.l. al id austriamicrosystems USA, Inc. Sales Offices lv austriamicrosystems AG A 8141 Schloss Premstatten, Austria Phone: +43 3136 500 0 Fax: +43 3136 525 01 San Jose, CA 95117, USA Phone: +39 02 4586 4364 Fax: +39 02 4585 773 Phone: +1 408 345 1790 Fax: +1 509 696 2713 austriamicrosystems France S.A.R.L. austriamicrosystems AG 124, Avenue de Paris Suite 811, Tsimshatsui Centre F-94300 Vincennes, France Phone: +33 1 43 74 00 90 Fax: +33 1 43 74 20 98 East Wing, 66 Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Phone: +852 2268 6899 Fax: +852 2268 6799 austriamicrosystems Switzerland AG Rietstrasse 4 austriamicrosystems AG CH 8640 Rapperswil, Switzerland AIOS Gotanda Annex 5th Fl., 1-7-11, Phone: +41 55 220 9008 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa-ku Fax: +41 55 220 9001 austriamicrosystems UK, Ltd. ca 88, Barkham Ride, Tokyo 141-0022, Japan Phone: +81 3 5792 4975 Fax: +81 3 5792 4976 austriamicrosystems AG Berkshire RG40 4ET, United Kingdom #805, Dong Kyung Bldg., Phone: +44 118 973 1797 824-19, Yeok Sam Dong, Fax: +44 118 973 5117 Kang Nam Gu, Seoul ni Finchampstead, Wokingham Korea 135-080 Phone: +82 2 557 8776 Klaavuntie 9 G 55 Fax: +82 2 569 9823 ch austriamicrosystems AG FI 00910 Helsinki, Finland +358 9 72688 170 austriamicrosystems AG Fax: +358 9 72688 171 Singapore Representative Office Te Phone: 83 Clemenceau Avenue, #02-01 UE Square austriamicrosystems AG 239920, Singapore Bivagen 3B Phone: +65 68 30 83 05 S 19163 Sollentuna, Sweden Fax: +65 62 34 31 20 Phone: +46 8 6231 710 Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 23 of 24 AS5000 Programmer OPERATIONAL MANUAL Copyright Devices sold by austriamicrosystems are covered by the warranty and patent indemnification provisions appearing in its Term of Sale. austriamicrosystems makes no warranty, express, statutory, implied, or by description regarding the information set forth herein or regarding the freedom of the described devices from patent infringement. austriamicrosystems reserves the right to change specifications and prices at any time and without notice. Therefore, prior to designing this product into a system, it is necessary to check with austriamicrosystems for current information. This product is intended for use in normal commercial applications. Te ch ni ca am lc s on A te G nt st il lv al id Copyright (c) 2009 austriamicrosystems. Trademarks registered (R). All rights reserved. The material herein may not be reproduced, adapted, merged, translated, stored, or used without the prior written consent of the copyright owner. To the best of its knowledge, austriamicrosystems asserts that the information contained in this publication is accurate and correct. However, austriamicrosystems shall not be liable to recipient or any third party for any damages, including but not limited to personal injury, property damage, loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, of any kind, in connection with or arising out of the furnishing, performance or use of the technical data herein. No obligation or liability to recipient or any third party shall arise or flow out of austriamicrosystems rendering of technical or other services. Revision 1.10, 04-March-2010 Page 24 of 24